SCONA 69 Facilitators

National Security & Statecraft

Katherine Weary ‘01
Katherine Weary ‘01
The Walls have Ears: Lessons from U.S. Intelligence Failures
Col. (Ret.) Michael Reilly ‘94, USMC
Col. (Ret.) Michael Reilly ‘94, USMC
Kyiv’s Debrief: Lessons on Integrated Deterrence from Ukraine
Amb. (Ret.) John Hennessey-Niland
Amb. (Ret.) John Hennessey-Niland
Taming The Dragon: Combating Aggressive Chinese Diplomacy
COL Marshall Straus Scantlin ‘95, USA
COL Marshall Straus Scantlin ‘95, USA
Calling in the 12th Man: Underutilized Allies Across the Globe

American Innovation 

Col. (Ret.) Robert McMurry ‘94, USAF
Col. (Ret.) Robert McMurry ‘94, USAF
People, Production, and Progress: Human Capital & Innovation
 Col. (Ret.) John Heye ‘89, USMC
Col. (Ret.) John Heye ‘89, USMC
Swiper no Swiping: Combatting Industrial Espionage
Maj. Josh Polk ‘08, USSF
Maj. Josh Polk ‘08, USSF
Space, The Final Market: Commercialization and Privatization of Space
Chrisma Jackson ‘95 ‘98
Chrisma Jackson ‘95 ‘98
Would You Like to Play a Game?: Emerging Technologies in Weapons and AI

Global Development

Keith Cole ‘91
Keith Cole ‘91
Farmer’s Fight: The Future of Food Insecurity
Dr. Meg K. Guliford
Dr. Meg K. Guliford
American Altruism: Exploring an American Belt & Road Initiative
Dr. C. Silva Hamie
Dr. C. Silva Hamie
Human Pawns: Weaponization of Conflict Refugees
Dr. William Norris
Dr. William Norris
More BRICS in the Wall: Next Era of Economic Statecraft


Thomas Wuchte
Thomas Wuchte
Red Light, Green Card: Citizenship & Immigration Reform
COL Fin Carey, USA
COL Fin Carey, USA
The New Age of Newspeak: Misinformation and Censorship on Social Media
Dr. Dwight Roblyer ‘84 ‘09
Dr. Dwight Roblyer ‘84 ‘09
By The People, For The People: Domestic Electoral Reform
Dr. Doug Kingman ‘91 ‘98
Dr. Doug Kingman ‘91 ‘98
The Hot Topic: Preparing for a Climate Transition