Frequently Asked Questions

MSC SCONA is an annual collegiate conference that brings together delegates from across the nation and the world. Each year, MSC SCONA discusses a topic of national and global importance, giving delegates the chance to interact with the nation’s premier academic scholars, industry professionals, and well-known public figures. Delegates participate in small group “roundtables” led by a subject matter expert “facilitator,” and work together to create a policy paper. Additionally, delegates have the opportunity to hear from prestigious keynote.

Prior to the conference, students may opt to participate in the International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise. The ISCNE is a diplomatic simulation produced by the U.S. Army War College, which Texas A&M University has been selected to host. Student delegates are divided into seven teams – each representing a nation-state – and work with a USAWC Fellow, who serves as their mentor for the exercise. Each of the seven delegations will represent a nation or interested global actor at a simulated peace conference facilitated by the “United Nations”.

MSC SCONA will be hosting its 70th annual conference at Texas A&M from February 13-15, 2025. Our topic for our 70th Annual Conference is World in Flames: Guiding America Through A New Era of Conflict.

MSC SCONA is regularly successful at bringing together students from over 20 universities, including internationally.

SCONA 70’s price  is $130.

The above prices are for the conference only (February 13 – 15).

The International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise (ISCNE) is a pre-conference simulation on February 11-12 that we highly recommend all delegates attend. It costs an additional $35.

Conference covers all fees and materials for the conference, some meals, transportation in Bryan College Station, and usually a t-shirt. For virtual attendees, a lower cost is provided to account for the lack of meals and other amenities only an in-person experience can provide.

Travel to the BCS area is not covered in the conference cost. Delegates should expect to cover 1-2 meals per day on their own, and are encouraged to bring spending money for a few free time opportunities. Of course, virtual attendees need not consider travel and are on their own for all meals.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are not able to offer cadet delegates the ability to stay in campus dormitories as in years past. For other delegates, we are waiting to see what assistance we can provide.

There are a variety of options for travel into the Bryan/College Station Area. Easterwood Airport services American and United Airlines. Additionally, Greyhound runs from most major cities to Bryan at the Roy Miller Parking Garage. Houston also has a shuttle from both HOU and IAH to College Station for about $40.
Of course, driving is an option; however, this presents to added cost of parking.

As we start early in the morning and end late in the evening, it’s best to schedule travel to arrive the night before and depart the morning after conference.

Please email “[email protected]” by January 20, 2025 for a full refund.
Please include your name and reason for a refund.
Refunds will not be permitted after January 20, 2025