Past Speakers and Programs
SCONA 69 Keynote Speakers
SCONA 68 Keynote Speakers
SCONA 67 Keynote Speakers
SCONA 66 Keynote Speakers

GEN James McConville, USA
The 40th Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, Aug. 9, 2019

MajGen Jason Bohm, USMC
Commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in May 1990

Gen Mark Welsh, USAF, Ret.
Dean of the Bush School on August 15, 2016

Greg Vogle
Greg Vogle is a Senior Advisor at the McChrystal Group

Dr. Nora Janjan
Dr. Nora Janjan currently serves as the Chief Medical Officer of STATinMED
SCONA 65 Keynote Speakers
SCONA 64 Keynote Speakers
SCONA 63 Keynote Speakers
SCONA 62 Keynote Speakers
13 Hours: The Inside Story of the Benghazi Attacks with Kris “Tanto” Paronto
This past fall, SCONA hosted Kris “Tanto” Paronto, a United States Veteran and private security contractor, has served the United States for more than 18 years. Kris possesses elite training skills received from the U.S. Army Ranger, 2nd Battalion, 75th Regiment and 5th Battalion, Special Forces Group. Throughout those years Kris joined other security companies including Blackwater Security, the Central Intelligence Agency, OSEN Hunter Group and NEXUS Security Consulting.
On the Hunt with Nada Bakos:
SCONA had the wonderful privilege of hosting former CIA analyst, Nada Bakos in Rudder Theater.
She discussed the interaction between the Intelligence Community and U.S. policy.
CEA Energy Innovations:
A collaboration with Consumer Energy Alliance and MSC Wiley, this event focused on the changing field of energy production and this change’s affect on everyday consumers and global politics.